Swift 5.2 and Fedora Linux – REPL issues

Swift 5.2 (and quickly followed up with Swift 5.2.1) were released in late March and, while it is packaged up and ready-to-go as an RPM for Fedora/CentOS/RHEL users, it’s not “ready to go” insofar as not all the functionality works. Specifically, while the package does compile Swift code, the REPL does not work. I’ve been trying to …

Strange issue building Swift 5.1 on RHEL 8

Something to look into: Building Swift 5.1 on a RHEL 8 box with clang-7.0.1 I keep running into a strange issue where it fails about 3/4 of the way through the build with the error:  FAILED: src/swiftDispatch.dir/Dispatch.swift.o src/swiftDispatch.dir/Dispatch.swift.swiftmodule src/swiftDispatch.dir/Dispatch.swift.swiftdoc cd /home/rolson/rpmbuild/BUILD/swift-source/build/buildbot_linux/libdispatch-linux-x86_64/src && /home/rolson/rpmbuild/BUILD/swift-source/build/buildbot_linux/swift-linux-x86_64/bin/swiftc -frontend -module-name Dispatch -module-link-name swiftDispatch -I /home/rolson/rpmbuild/BUILD/swift-source/swift-corelibs-libdispatch -O -Xcc -fblocks -Xcc -fmodule-map-file=/home/rolson/rpmbuild/BUILD/swift-source/swift-corelibs-libdispatch/dispatch/module.modulemap …

Well, it happened…

…The Fedora project moved /usr/bin/python to point to /usr/bin/python3 instead of /usr/bin/python2. The immediate result is that Swift no longer builds on Fedora Rawhide because of, surprise, Python errors. This may be a lot of work, so before running off and getting into a big mess o’ Python changes, I asked on the Swift forums whether anybody is already working …

Swift 5.1 (Development) working with Fedora

So post-WWDC, Swift 5.1 seems to be in high gear for release, I presume, with Xcode 11. I made a few attempts at getting it to build and package properly and after some modest changes, removing outdated patches and a particularly scary Lua scriptlet in the spec file, it packaged correctly. Whee, go me. However, …

Swift 5 Released and (almost) available on Fedora

Swift 5 was released as part of Apple’s update of iOS and macOS yesterday (3/25/19) and I had literally just finished submitting an update to Fedora’s Bodhi system for the previous development snapshot. I admit I was worried that there’d be some 11:59:59 change to Swift that wouldn’t make it compile properly under Fedora, but nope, it …

Undeclared Identifier in Swift after adding new file?

Spent a little too much time trying to figure out why my new Swift file with my new class was resulting in an “Undeclared Identifier” error from the compiler after adding the class as a member variable. Doing some searching resulted in a lot of basic “check for typos” posts as well as “…if it’s a framework, …

Testing Swift on Linux

I’ve forked Ray Wenderlich’s swift-algorithm-club to include a Python script, build-n-run.py that goes through all the projects, creates a linux directory there, copies the playground’s Contents.swift file to the linux directory as main.swift, along with any other non-test Swift files, then executes the swiftc compiler to build an executable then attempts to run it.  Because playgrounds are effectively interactive …