Getting TimescaleDB running on Kubernetes for internal use

Introduction As a fun use of the data ShopMon generates, I wrote a quick program that adds that data to a PostgreSQL database for looking at some interesting metrics, usage-by-hour, area, etc. While on a run I was listening to a podcast where the topic of time series databases came up and realized I had …

Get and Put Files With NextCloud

To put a file into NextCloud using curl: curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD -T THE_FILE_YOU_WANT_TO_UPLOAD and to get a file: curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD –output THE_FILE_YOU_WANT_TO_DOWNLOAD Basically a reference for myself. 🙂

Swift 5.2 and Fedora Linux – REPL issues

Swift 5.2 (and quickly followed up with Swift 5.2.1) were released in late March and, while it is packaged up and ready-to-go as an RPM for Fedora/CentOS/RHEL users, it’s not “ready to go” insofar as not all the functionality works. Specifically, while the package does compile Swift code, the REPL does not work. I’ve been trying to …

Strange issue building Swift 5.1 on RHEL 8

Something to look into: Building Swift 5.1 on a RHEL 8 box with clang-7.0.1 I keep running into a strange issue where it fails about 3/4 of the way through the build with the error:  FAILED: src/swiftDispatch.dir/Dispatch.swift.o src/swiftDispatch.dir/Dispatch.swift.swiftmodule src/swiftDispatch.dir/Dispatch.swift.swiftdoc cd /home/rolson/rpmbuild/BUILD/swift-source/build/buildbot_linux/libdispatch-linux-x86_64/src && /home/rolson/rpmbuild/BUILD/swift-source/build/buildbot_linux/swift-linux-x86_64/bin/swiftc -frontend -module-name Dispatch -module-link-name swiftDispatch -I /home/rolson/rpmbuild/BUILD/swift-source/swift-corelibs-libdispatch -O -Xcc -fblocks -Xcc -fmodule-map-file=/home/rolson/rpmbuild/BUILD/swift-source/swift-corelibs-libdispatch/dispatch/module.modulemap …

Well, it happened…

…The Fedora project moved /usr/bin/python to point to /usr/bin/python3 instead of /usr/bin/python2. The immediate result is that Swift no longer builds on Fedora Rawhide because of, surprise, Python errors. This may be a lot of work, so before running off and getting into a big mess o’ Python changes, I asked on the Swift forums whether anybody is already working …

Swift 5.1 (Development) working with Fedora

So post-WWDC, Swift 5.1 seems to be in high gear for release, I presume, with Xcode 11. I made a few attempts at getting it to build and package properly and after some modest changes, removing outdated patches and a particularly scary Lua scriptlet in the spec file, it packaged correctly. Whee, go me. However, …